We invest in ...

short-haul flights

The vision of Gringgo for the regions!

We are convinced that we can meet the global challenges when citizens unite and become active in their regions.

 The cooperative Gringgo invests in the regions so that new businesses can establish, small and family businesses continue to have prospects and handicraft businesses are retained.

We promote a sustainable development of a regionally stable network between production, trade and consumers.

 This prepares our regions adequately for a livable future!

Gringgo, a "Regionalwert AG" for Luxembourg!

Building on the pioneering work and lived philosophy of the canton of Redange, Gringgo implements the German-based model of a "Regionalwert AG" with the financial support of Leader Group Atert-Wark and the Ministry of the Environment.

 The principle of a "Regionalwert AG" is a local solidarity-based investment instrument in the form of a citizens' cooperative.

The objectives are to strengthen the sustainable regional economy and to create an added social value in a fair, ecological and participatory way.

Every citizen can become a shareholder of the cooperative!

By acquiring one or more cooperative shares of Gringgo (200 €/share), you will in addition support new sustainable projects from all the regions of the country.

These projects are selected based on economic, ecological and social criteria of Gringgo.

As a cooperator, you are networking with regional operators and benefit thus financially but also holistically in your daily life from the future economic success of the regional economy.

The direct link with the local sustainable project ensures that no greenwashing is carried out with the money and that the money does not end up indirectly in trading shares in unsustainable sources.

Gringgo provides a financial support for your new sustainable projets!

The citizen cooperative is looking for entrepreneurs who want to start up a new business or develop an existing one or a product, or provide a service.

The projects are accepted based on economic, ecological and social criteria of Gringgo and together with the project owner the best and most flexible solution to invest in the project is chosen collectively.

Vun der Atert s.c.

For an independent, fair & transparent food supply

Investment Process

Investment type: loan between cooperators

Start: 01.04.2023


The platform for sharing renewable electricity

Investment Process

Investment type: shareholder

Start: 15.07.2023

Coreca s.c.

A cooperative of restaurants, grocery stores and cafes

Investment Process

Investment type: shareholder

Start: 2.11.2023

Gringgo is also a sustainable marketing platform for Luxembourg!

Gringgo is also known for its online shop www.gringgo.lu, a fair, solidary and ecological marketing platform for products and services from the regions of Luxembourg, a kind of online Oeko-Foire.

It fosters relationships between producers and consumers. People who want to consume more consciously have the opportunity to get information, to get orientation and to shop directly. It should be mentioned that the marketing platform for the products and services can also be used by associations, cooperatives and clubs.

Here is an extract of products which you can buy in the shop:

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Gringgo s.c.

6 rue Jos Seylerstrooss

L-8522 Beckerich

Tel: +352 671 025 650
